Prof. Michael Hantes
Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessalia, University Hospital of Larissa Larissa, Greece
Prof. Artsteidis Zibis
Professor of Anatomy Director of Musculoskeletal Department of Anatomy Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly, Greece
Dr. Berte Boe, MD, PhD
Head of the Arthroscopy Unit Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Oslo University Hospital Oslo, Norway Vice GeneralSecretary of ESSKA
David Dejour
Hospital of Versailles. Orthopaedic Department Le Chesnay, France
Riccardo Compagnoni
Gaetano Pini Orthopedic Institute Milan, Italy Universita degli studi di Milano Milan, Italy
Erik Ronnblad, MD, PhD, CEO
Gapio Artro Clinic Stockholm, Sweden

Michael losifidis, MD, PhD
Orthopaedics and Sports Surgeon Head of 3rd Orthopaedic Department European lnterbalkan MedicalCenter Editorial Board American Journal of Sports Medicine ESSKA's Orthobiologic Initiative Steering Group Orthobiology, Surgery Center Thessaloniki, Greece

Nikos Koukoulias, MD, PhD
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Sports Trauma and Orthopaedic Department, St. Luke's Hospital Thessaloniki, Greece